Brief Description: Infinity-box is the best box at this moment for service Panasonic phones. Using one button You can unlock or repair Your phone. Also You can rebuild IMEI, change language, software, set default settings or unlock all locks. Infinity-Box is using USB port, so You don't need to use external power. Transmission is via USB, that is why You can work with maximum speed of virtual com port. into 1 which are from Griffin, SarasUFS and Unibox. Featuring Optional Socket to place your HWK without opening the box so that you can plug and remove without any problem. (Note: This HWK is optional which are not include in the package u have to buy seperately) and you can now run all Griffin function without Power Adaptor, just need to use power from your computer. Supported Models: Aiko: 17G, 51G, 52G, 78G Airam: M342 Airness: Air99, MK99, Slide99 Airtel: Avvio-G200, Cordless_FGD8900, Telular Ajanta: Quartz, other AK-Mobile: AK760i, AK900 Alcatel: C700A, C700X, C701A, C701X, C707X, C717A, C717X, C820A, C825X, E100x, E101, E15x_16x_25x, E201, E207, E221, E227, Elle-N3A, Elle-N3X, GlamPhone-EL05A, I650A, I650X, Lava, Mandarina-Duck-MD01X, Mandarina-Duck-MD02X, OT152, S107, S120, S210, S211, S218X, S319A, S319X, S320X, S321A, S520A, S520X, S521A, S521X, S621A, S621X, V212, V212C, V270, V670A, V770A, V770X Alfatel: H1, H3, other Altrec: C200, other Amstrad: S288 Amycool: D66+, other Anycall: 1689, 2619, D900, F488E, i718, i738, i908, i908e, S628, other Anycool: 629, 6300, 7310, D1200, D1210, D3000, D6000, D66, D66+, D68, F1000, F58, F69, F818, F888+, F999, i908e, i929, N86, T618, T618+, T619, T628, T728, T808, T808-TV-Phone, T818, T828, T838, V168, V7000, V777, V866, V9, V9+, other Anylink: 6500, N99i, other Anyoall: 908i, SGH-908i, other AOTE: 660, 908, 918, 928, F9+, M660, other Apole: IP9300, other ARA: A818, other Arte: 8600e, other Asiafone: AF501 Asus: J206, J208, V66, V75, V80, other Atan: M760, M760-Music-Phone, other Audiovox: GPRS748, GSM609 Austar: F455+, other AUX-Mobile: M780, M855, M868, Z33, other Avivo: 1950g, 1960g Avvio: 103A, 203A, G200, GD852p Awang: A828, other Baizhao: S320i, S600, S8958, TV488, other Bak: BK-MP77, BK-MT77, other Basicom: M-Star, other Bavapen: 104e BBK: K300, K322, S202, other Beetel: EC003, EC005 BenQ-Siemens: A38, A500, A53, C30, C71A, CF51, CF61, CL71, E61, EF51, EF61, EF71, M100, M220, M300, M305, M315, M350, M580, S660C, S700, S80, S81, S82, S88, SFG75, T33, T51, Z2, other Bess: SP500 Best: D2000, D2000+, D3000+, D3800+, other Bestel: 6000+, D5000, D5000+, N95, other Beyond: B530-SL71, B555, B818, B868, other Bird: D515A, D611, D612, D615, D630, D650, D660, D670, D706, D716, D720, D730, D736, D760, F300, F501A, F518, S1120, S1180C, S1186, S198, S199, S288, S299, S302, S305, S570, S688, S699, S701, S710, S788, V09, V10, V5518+, V620, V708, V750, V788, other Blacklable: VVV363, other BLCOM: V8, other Bleu: 151x, 245x, 251s, 251x, 255x, 351x, 354x, 355x, 450z, 453x, 456x, 466x, 471x, 476x, 550x, 551x, 555x, 651x, 651Z, 670z, other Bliss: D108, D208, V98, other Bluetooth: 2008, 2009, 2600, 2640, 337, 339, 349, 526, 536, 588, 588+, 589, 626, 6500s, 6688, 6888, 6889, 808, 868, 888, 8928, 900, 900+, 911, 912, 998, 999, A20P, A5, B889, C800, C8000, C8800, C92, C98, D18, E588, E70, E78, G366, G368, i738, JD2008, K320, K328, K400, K440, K799, KN-D9, L831, L832, LV918, N77, N77S, N78, N79, N79C, N82, N83, N8600, N91, N95, N958, N97, N98, N98+, N99i-TV, PDA, S30, Slim, TC-168, V168, V21, V55, V555, V648, W726, Y138, Y139, Y690, ZT588, other BMW: A8, other Bolo: C62, C68 Bonmi: F430, other Bossh: B70, D96M, other Bost-Mobile: D615 BPL-Mobile: COLT027, other BSNL: EC005, G200CF Camry: V138, other Capitel: P600, other Cect: 1088, 1280SM, 199, 2000, 3360, 505, 5708, 599, 6300i, 6300R, 6600, 668, 688C, 688i, 689C, 689i, 760, 761, 7708, 808, 8100, 8110+, 838+, 8380, 8380-PDA, 8380-TV-OUT, 858, 860, 8800, 8808, 888, 888+, 9898, 9988, A008, A1600, A1800, A1818, A2000, A520, A606, A666, A6668, B8, C1000, C1000i, C2000, C2000D, C3000, C3000c, C5000, C600, C6111, C8000, C8200, C8220, C827, C828, C829, C8400, C8600, C92+, C9900, D120, D122, D240, D242, D900, E591, E65, E65C, E65i, E680, E680i, E808, E818, E900, E920, E921, Edalee, F1200, F16, F22, G928, GP9000, H6628, I530, i658, i70, K300, K300+, K328, K630, K7800, K808, K818, K828, K838, K838+, K86, K915+, KG98, L2000+, L2200+, LM398, LT-X3, LV918, M1818, M1818-PDA, M520, M530, M8600, M901, N1000, N168, N1818, N518, N528, N529, N537, N538, N548, N618, N618+, N618c, N6298, N6500, N6500+, N73, N73-1, N73i, N788, N81, N81+, N81c, N82, N84, N85, N87, N95, N95-PDA, N98, N99+, O2R, P168, P30, P3711, P3711i, P3714, P3715, P603, P8100, P8100+, P8300, P8400, P9100, Q300, Q300A, Q300C, Q302, Q306, Q380, Q500, Q500-2sim, Q500BT, Q558, Q600, Q610, Q618, Q618-2sim-PDA, Q638, Q800, Q86, S500, S500-O2S, S500-PDA, S500-PDA-02Mini-3D-Sound, S510, S560, S560-MPEG5, S567, S580, S588, S800, S800+, ST500, T1, T100, T410, T520, T590, T6688+, T678, T688i, T688i-2sim, T688-PDA, T689, T718, T830, T888, T910, T918-WatchPhone, T999, T999+, TV60, U880, U8800, U8810, U90, U92, V180, V200, V23, V23i, V3, V4, V400, V480, V490, V5, V6, V60, V60+, V61, V658D, V668, V6688, V668B, V68, V69, V7, V777, V788, V8, V8008, V9, V90, V909, V919, V92, V929, V939, V98, X768, X768-GSM-CDMA, Y200, Y690, Y767, Y809, ZP-S560, ZT-V8, other Century: Piooner-B889+, other Cert: V400, other Cesim: A510, CG400, V130, V30, V310, V470, V480, V800, other Changhong: A330, M838, other ChangJiang: A968, other Changxing: A868, other ChinaStar: C507, other Chinese-HTC: Diam100, P3700, other Chinese-iPhone: 168, 188, 189, A1203, A38, A380, A39, A58, A6, A6+, A7+, A8+, A88, A88+, A888, A9, C8000, ES350, i9, LH01, N500, N5000, N5500, P168, P168+, TV-3G, V188, W888i, other Chinese-iPod: A380, other Chinese-Motorola: 400, A1200, A606, K1, L7+, V230, V3, V33, V333, V336, V666, other Chinese-Nec: 1000i, N150, N158, N880, N880i, N99, other Chinese-Nokia: 1110i, 1111, 1112, 1112i, 1600, 3230, 3230C, 3250, 3280, 3680, 5200, 5300, 5300i, 5310, 5310-NMM-3, 5310XM, 5320XM, 5330, 5331, 5332, 5610, 5610D, 5610D-1, 5700, 5700+, 5710, 5720, 6110, 6118, 6120, 6120C, 6120i, 6128, 6131i, 6200, 6233i, 6275, 6276, 6280, 6280i, 6288, 6288-PDA, 6300, 6300C, 6300i, 6300-Q7, 6300-Q7+, 6300r, 6300-RM-217, 6300y, 6500, 6500+, 6621, 6680, 6681, 6700i, 6708, 6808, 7260, 7380, 7390, 7500, 8003, 8030, 8030-2sim, 808, 8600, 8600d, 8800, 8800+, 8800A, 8800-Arte, 8800e, 8800e-1, 8800e-Arte, 8800i, 8800S, 8800-Sirocco, 8830, 9900, A6+, A606, Arte-8800, BB7, BB7+, C60i, C85, C88, C88i, C92, C93, E50, E51, E60, E60i, E60-PDA, E65, E65i, E68, E86, E89, E8-Touchpanel, E95, F69, GC690, HT508, K288, K288-MPEG4, K915+, M5700+, M77, M78, M79, M9, M90+, N1000, N12, N125, N126, N129, N135, N151, N153, N157, N177, N203, N203i, N204, N204i, N207, N207i, N22, N26, N28, N288, N28i, N290, N303, N321, N366, N366i, N368, N39, N4, N41, N5, N50, N500, N52, N52i, N54, N55, N56, N57, N57i, N57i-2sim, N600, N606, N608, N616, N618, N618+, N65, N6500, N658, N66, N66-2sim, N666i, N668, N66C, N66i, N66L, N67, N67i, N68, N688, N688i, N689, N7, N70, N70C, N70DK, N70i, N70-TVphone, N71i, N72, N72i, N72L, N73, N730, N73-2sim, N73C, N73C-2sim, N73D, N73F, N73G, N73i, N73L, N73-music-edition, N73-PDA, N74c, N75, N750, N75c, N75i, N76, N76c, N76i, N76m, N77, N771, N772, N777, N777i, N77i, N78, N78-2sim, N788, N78s, N79, N7i, N80, N800, N8003, N81, N81i, N82, N82_20pin, N8201, N820i, N82i, N83, N83c, N83i, N84, N84i, N85, N85i, N86, N8600, N8600-Luna, N86i, N87, N87c, N87i, N88, N8800, N8800L, N888, N8888, N88A, N88c, N88i, N88s, N89, N9, N90, N900, N900i-2sim, N903, N903i, N905, N905i, N90i, N90s, N91, N915+, N91A, N91i, N91i-TV, N92, N920i-2sim, N922i-2sim, N927i-2sim, N92G, N92i, N9-2sim, N93i, N93i-2sim, N93i-TV, N94, N94i, N94s, N95, N95+, N95-2sim, N95-8G, N95-B10, N95C, N95e, N95i, N95i-2sim-music-edition, N95i-slider, N95i-TV, N95-PDA, N95s, N95S-2sim, N95-slider, N95-TV, N96, N96i, N96i-2sim, N96-PDA, N972, N973, N97i, N97k, N98, N98G, N98i, N98i-TV, N98i-Visoa, N98K, N99, N990, N99-2sim, N99B, N99i, N99N, N9s, O3-838, P1I, Q2R, Q7, Q7+, RH-73, S728, S89, T158, T57, T58, T98, TV1100, TV2200, TV5, TV5188, TV690, TV7, TV8800, TV90, TV98, V23, V230, V25, V27, V400, V8800, V95, V96, V98, Veptu, Vertu, VT1300, VT9, other Chinese-Other: 2928, 2GSM, 3188, 338, 3D-Sound-V23, 3GSM, 6500s, 736, 808, 818, 828, 829, 838+, 9900, A108, A1168, A1308, A16, A17+, A1966, A2000, A203, A20P, A2198, A308, A380, A628, A6398, A6399, A666, A68, A7+, A706, A8+, A818, A898, A900, A930+, A950, A960, A968, B889, BT888, C600, C702+, C902, C902+, C904+, D820, D900, DVD, F488, F492, F698, F838, Ferrari, G618, Gionee, GM259, H668, H688, H689, HB758S, i1000, i1100, iPhone, JC777, K188, K3000TV, K3288, K588, K589, K666, K808, K888, K915, K916, Kangaroo, KittyPhone, L7, L700, L707, L8000, L8080, L999, LT-X1, LT-X5, Luna, LV918, M2210, M606, M777, M868, M869, M8800, M905, M910, MK168, Mobile-2007, MStar, N100, N107, N203, N203-K1, N328-GSM+CDMA, N600, N6555, N69, N760, N77, N880, Navigator, P990, P990i, PDA-328, PDA-6688, PDA-W726, Perfect-2g, PowerPack-TC-2GSM, Rolex, S2199, S350, S351, S357, S68, S728, S73, S760+, S760TV, S780+, S808, S813, S817, S90, S97+, S98+, SE318, SE818, S-Mobile, Sonic, SuperFone, T158, T63, T67, T678, T69, T698, T69i, T788A, T800+, T807, T88, T89, TagHeuer, TagHever, TV1100i, TV12, TV2009i, TV55, TV628, TV683, TV687, TV690, TV886, TV9, TV90, TV902, TV988+, TV998, TVN95, TZ-Y500, V100, V168, V188, V333, V50, V52+, V57, V628, V660, V668, V68, V800, V807, V808, V9, V918, VS400, W726, W726-PDA, W726-PDA-2sim, WatchPhone, X909, X-SLIM, Y500, Y600, Y690, YZ09, Z100, ZH6688, ZS89, ZT320, ZT321, ZT5099, other Chinese-PDA: 520, 520+, 628, 628i, 6680, 6681, 8810i, 8850i, A1196, B889, D328, E590, E591, E592, L5688, Mobile-T88, MP4, MPEG4, T88, TV-Mobile-A9000, V13, X2, X3, other Chinese-Pocket-PC: 1688-2sim, 6600, N77, N78, N87, N95, N95i, N99, other Chinese-Samsung: 629+, A838, Armani, D500i, D520i, D600i, D800, D820, D828, D828+, D829, D860i, D900, D900+, D900i, D920, D958, E680, E700, E708, E708+, E712D, E730, E730+, E730C, E738, E760i, E900, F300, F488c, F488e, i788, i888, P528, P538, Q101, SGH-629, U800, U900, U908e, X180, X810, X810+, other Chinese-Sharp: GX18, GX28, P810, other Chinese-SharpV: P810, other Chinese-Sony-Ericsson: A580, K288, K750, K750C, K750i, K758, K790i, K800, K800i, K808, K809, K810, K810i, M61, P800, P990i, T650i, V666, V700, W580, W610i, W660, W700, W800, W800i, W880i, Z610i, other Chinese-Spreadtrum: SC6600M Chinese-Toshiba: E315, V10++, V11, other Chinese-Vertu: 998, Ascent, Ascent-Ferrari, Ascent-I, Ascent-Indeanapolis, Ascent-Ti-RM-267v, Constellation, Ferrari, Ferrari-II, Ferrari-III, LY-8088, MC2, Narnia-V6-Mini, Royal, Royal-R1, Signature, Signature-RH267, Signature-RHV8, Titanium, V1, other Chiva: LM718, ST319, UK598, other CKing: 339, K339, other Cool: ATL-V8, other Coral: 100, 200, 300, 400, 400FM, 500, 500FM Cosun: 289, 512, 8266, 8988, C512, N73i, other Cross: G10, other Cyber-Shot: E860, other Cyfon: C800i, other Cynix: D28, other CZCT: C8000, other Daewoo: D600, other Daxian: 8100, C8100, E689, J168, J6, N800, X3000, X658, X728, X756, X799, X9188, X960, X960-FM, X999, other DBTel: J6 Desay: K618, L608, M523, M888, N618+, N618i, other Dfashion: Z3, other Digibee: BSNL-G200CF, G240 Digital: C500, other Dirland: E307, M881, P708, R100, X410, other Donod: D806, other Dopodo: C95, C97, C99, C99+, E57+, E61+, E62+, E63+, other Dorado: A006, D890, other Doro: HandleEasy-328gsm DRV-Mobiles: R52, other Dsney: M6, N8, Q7, other Dubao: 558, 728, 728+, 738, 758, 768, 768+, 777, other DVD: S618, other DV-Phone: V93i, other Easycall: 6600, other Einstein: MC2, MC3, Singular, other Elenberg: MT105, MT320, MT520, other Elitek: GT101YN, other Eliya: S168, other Elson: E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900 Emblaze: Sting6, Touch7 Enimac: MQ8200, other Enteos: i-BD620 Epoda: EP2502, other Etel: E12, other E-Top: S30, other E-Touch: 1133i Everfo: 2601, 2602, 2603, 2604, E2211+, E32, E591, E711D, E713D, E730, E863, E866, E911, E912, E927, E941, other Evertek: X90, other Ezio: E300, E800, ESL808, MP500, SL308, SL900, other Fashion: T588, other Ferrari: F1, HC668, LV2008, other Fly: 2040, 2040i, 2040L, 2060, 2080, B600, B700, DS400, DS500, E100, E300, E310, FT10, Hi-SLDR, Hummer-HT1, Levis-LV1, LX500, LX600, LX610, LX800, M100, M130, MC100, MC120, MP100, MP220, MP300, MP400, MP500, MP600, MX200, MX200i, MX230, MX300, MX330, SL100, SL200, SL300m, SL399E, SL400m, SL500i, SL500m, SL600, SL600-Vodafone, SLT100, SX100, SX200, SX210, SX215, SX220, SX240, SX300, SX305, SX310, SX315, V100, V40, V50, V60, X3, X7, X7a, Z200, Z300, Z300a, Z400, Z500 Flying: F636, F639, F67, F698i, F800, F826, F900, other Fory: F288, other Foston: 968B, FS-836B, FS-868B, PDA, other Fujistar: FT-1011, other FUN: N73, N77, N78, N95, other Game: 5300, other Gaoxinqi: A818, E908, E908i, GXQ-F896, GXQ-N358, N82, N87, TL528, other GeneralMobile: DST01, DST10, DST11, G333, other GEO: G1, GV500, Gv880 Getek: TK806, TK808, other Gionee: A10-TV, A830, L7, L8, V5600, V890, other Giorgio: Arnan-F8, other Giorgio-Arnani: dual-sim, other GMobile: T68, other G-net: G409-mini, other Goldvish: Signature-RHV-2, Signature-TRGH-8, other GPS-Mobile: K3288, other Gradiente: GC300, GF500, GF760, GF910, GF910i, GF930, GF930i, GF950, GF970, Vibe Gross: G10, other GSmax: GS868, other G-Star: 618, 808, G2, G6, G851, GM108, GM128, GM208, GM209, GM238, GM308, GM318, GM328, GM329, GM338, GM508, GM528, GM608, GM618, GM618-Slim, GM809, GM851, GM896, GM896M, other GT: V100, other G-Tide: W110, W660, other GT-Mobile: 1268, 1400, 450, i1268, M300, M920, TV100, TV70, TV-70, other Gtran: N120, N150 Gucci: G600, G668, other Hagenuk: Jazz Haier: G111, HG-A8, M300, M500, S210, Z1000, Z702 Hantel: 6088, D1838, E860, H168, H625, HT3188, HT6600, HT8388, Send-Y500, other Hedy: H797, other HiPhone: V188, other Hisong: M920, other Hitech: H31, H38, H382, H39, H55, H61, M21, other Holleycomm: H3101, H3260, H3270, other HTC: A288, TouchFLO-P3452, other Huawei: C2205, C2285, C506, T128, T156, T158, T160L, T161L, T201, T208, T211, T261L Huaxiang: N800, other Huaxi-Ang: N800, other Huayu: CM336, CM618, CM678, FT688, G688, K878, K888, M818, P30, V928, other HUG: Q88i, other Hutch: Usha-Lexus-UL2104 Hyundai: H350, L480, MB-115, MP318, MP510, MP718, MP728, MP738, MP880, W100, other iFOE: P168+, P168C, other IMax: C82, other I-Mobile: 100, 200, 301, 306, 308, 313, 315, 318, 508, 510, 511, 516, 518, 520, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 608, 609, 609i, 610, 611, 901, 902, 903, BlackIce, CE0680, CE0889, CX-K809, other Infinity: 5800-2sim, Q500, S380, other Innostream: Inno-900, other Intex: IN0315, IN1044, IN1107, IN1224, IN2010, IN2020, IN2020FM, IN2222, IN2233, IN2244, IN2266, IN3060, IN3333, IN40, IN4040, IN4444, IN5050, IN5544, other ITel: C8000, IT600, IT700, IT800, other i-TV: V10, other Jazz: T161L JiaXing: N95, other JingCheng: JC666S, other Jinke: E100, other JinPeng: 5199, 8188, 8190, 8198, 8283, A5616, A606, A616, A666, A7522, C3000, E1088, E2298, E88, K989, U900, V70, other J-Max: F10, J95, J-Diamond, JM5700, Saxy, other JNC: MX8, other J-Tide: C28, G880 Jugate: Z-AD928, other Kaiqi: N107, other Kedaq: Q191, other Kejian: K508, M680, other Kenuo: KD-B86, KN-76D, KN-A75D, KN-D8, KN-D9, N750, other Kiech: N8899, other Kifung: S108, other King-One: K608, other Kingpo: E302, E320, E733, other Kinlong: K228i, K288+, N96, other Kisen: F350, P83, V633, other Kitty: 318, other KLoong: A913, E714, E718, other KN-Mobile: KN200, KN300, KN310, KN400, KN500 Konka: A26M, A76, A76FM, C623, C625, C636, C676, C926, C966, D163, D169, D225, D266, D363, EC001, EC001FM, EC003, M520, M910, other Kotka: E90, other KTech: 8020, 8030, 8030i, 8388, K400, N8899, other KTouch: A5118, A615, A650, A905, B718, B830, B922, B923, B938, D700, D702, S515, other K-Touch: A615, V908, other KXD: 001, 012, other Kyocera: C2500, E2500, E3500, E4600, S1600, other Laise: N99, other Leady: C506, GT6107, MM10, MM95, X105, X501, other Lenovo: 688, E300, E307, i706, i908, P618, P708, P710, V707, V800, other LG: 300G, B2000, B2050, B2060, B2070, B2100, B2150, B2250, C1100, C1150, C1200, C2200, C2500, C2600, C3300, C3310, C3320, C3400, F2250, F2400, G1800, KE260, KE600, KE770, KE800, KE820, KE850, KE970, KF600, KG110, KG120, KG130, KG180, KG190, KG195, KG200, KG208, KG210, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG245, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG280, KG285, KG288, KG289, KG290, KG291i, KG295, KG296, KG300, KG320, KG370, KG375, KG70, KG90N, KP100, KP105, KP106, KP110, KP115, KP130, KP135, KP199, KP200, KP202, KP202i, KP210a, KP215, KP215A, KP220, KP230, KP235, KP320, L342i, L343i, ME770, ME850, ME970, MG100, MG101, MG105, MG110, MG120, MG125, MG160, MG161, MG165, MG170, MG180, MG225, MG230, MG235, MG280, MG296, MG320, MG370 Libercell: KT400, KT500, KT8800 Life: DST01 Lion: 7, other Lobster: 485, 544, 575, S621 LongXing: M3, other Louis: V168, other Louis-Yuitton: T658, other LUNA: 8600, 8600d, N688, other Luxury: G851, other LX-Mobile: 007, TV, other Magicon-Harmony: MG901, other Malata: Lopp-P07, M696, MZ280, T256, other Maximus: EX60, EX75, MX100, other MBM: 1168i, S95, S96, other Medion: 2860, MD-95100 Meidea: Y300, other Meiye: Q8, other Melbon: MB-606M, other Metom: MT309, N81, N87, N89, other Mex: MX14BS, N95, other Micromax: 511x, X1i, X1u, X211, other Ming-Xing: A008, other Mini: G89, other Mito: 1868, 288GG, other Mobility: NG1 Modelabs: Airness-Slide99, MyWay-Slim, V-Slide, V-Touch Moille: ZTC-ZT588, other Motorola: C113(a), C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C119, C121, C122, C123, C136, C137, C138, C139, C140, C141c, C155, C156, C157, C168, C168i, C257, C261, E365, F3, F3-unlock, V170, V171, V172, V173, V175, V176, V177, V690, V872, V878, W150, W150i, W170, W170C, W200, W205, W208, W209, W210, W212, W215, W218, W220, W355, W370, W375, W376, W377 Moviephone: FA6, other MP4: 2000, 6188, O2-mini, O2R, O2S, O2S-Dopod, PDA-K18, other MPEG4: 2000, 3000, 3200, 3210, 3300, 3320, 4000, 4100, A968, K1, P888, T698, other MTK: MT228, other MTV: N73, N97, N99, other Muzak: N88, other My_Way: Modelabs-Slim, MW100, MW200 MyPhone: B21, B22, B23, B23-Duo, B50, S21, S22-Duo, T11, T12-Duo, T13-Duo, T22, T22-Duo, T52, other Narnia: 8088, V6, other NCBC: DFH688, other Nckia: 3100, 5600i, 5610i, 7390, E95, M5700, M5700+, N77, N77i, N78, N78c, N95, N95-8Gb, N97, N98, N99, XpressMusic-5610S, other Nec: E101, E121, E122, N200, N208, N342i, N343i, N344i, N650i, N910, N916, N917, N919 NECcom: A0078, A6, N880, N990, other Nektel: C7000, other Nerys: N330 NewGen: C1000, C610, C620, C650, C710, C800, E1000, E1100, E1200, Mars, S410, T1000 Nex: Mini, other Nexian: G500, other Next: 809, 809-TV, other Nkiac: F168, other Nktel: 1680, 2800, 2850, 2900, 2970, A200, A210, A220, C2008, C5000, C6000, C8000, E280, K99, N8600, S350, S358, other Nobel: V8000, other Noca: T856, T856-W88-PDA, other Nokia: 1255 Nokier: F768, other Nokig: N82, other Nokla: 1112, D328, E90, E92, N71, N72, N72c, N73-PDA, N77, N78, N79, N95, N95-2sim, N958, N959, N96, N96c, N96i, N97, N98, V98, other Nova: N800, other Nove: N800, other Novo: C501, N717i, other NTC: MyPhone-S21, MyPhone-T11, other O2: Jet(J1), O2X1B, O2X1I, O2X2i, O2X3, O2X4, O2X7, O2XLI O3: 818, 828, 829, 838, other Oaintel: V88, other Obee: 007, 007i, 680, K399, N78, other Ocean: F3000, other Omnipotence: Micky, other Onida: F830, G460, V110, other oooooo: C99, other Orange: Tokyo, TR1, V101 Orion: 910DS, other Overtech: OT-09, other Panasonic: A100, A101, A102, A200, A210, A500, G50, G51E, G51M, G60, G70, GD55, GD67, GD68, MX6, MX7, SA6, SA7, SC3, VS2, VS3, VS6, VS7, X100, X200, X300, X400, X500, X60, X66, X68, X70, X700, X701, X77 Panasonio: N75, other Panda: 2008, 66, 67, Olympic, Olympic-Summer, other Pantech: C120, C3, C3B, G3900, G800, G900, GB300, PG-1000, PG-1200, PG-1210, PG-1400, PG-1405, PG-1410, PG-1500, PG-3000, PG-3200, PG-3210, PG-3500, PG-3600, PG-3810, PG-6100, PG-C300, PN210 Pawan: 2975, other Philips: 192, 199, 290, 292, 390, 568, 768, 960, CT7688, M200, S200, S220, S660, S800, S880, S890, Xenium-9@9u, Xenium-9@9w Phoenix: P2000, other PierreCardin: GM118, other Planet: E3, M1, V2, other PlayboyPhone: PB01X Porsche: Cayenne, other Powerpack: TC-1GSM, TC-2GSM, TC-BT3, TC-BT7, TC-TV-168, TC-TV-178, other Privileg: X6, X7, other Qbest: Q380-B, other RedStar: 901, 902-TV, 910, other Reliance: Classic-7310, Classic-7610 Rex: P990, other Rocky: 2008, other Rolex: HK010, other Safeer: 8800, other Sagem: my150x, my220v, my220x, my225x, my226 Sambao: N78, N78i, N87, N95, N97, other Samd: 900, 908, 918, other Sampo: GK8800, other Samsking: V11, V12, V21, V21i, other Samsong: E318, other Samsunc: U800, U900, other Samsung: C140, C140i, C260, C260M, C266, C300, E900, X120, X140 Sands: A203, A203i, A209, A303, A303i, A8, P908, other Sanno: 6618, N82y, T008, T628+, other Sansui: V847, V909, V919, V929, other Sanxing: E415, E70, E78, V52, other Sany-Ericsson: W810i, other Sanyo: S750 Schauen: N16, other SCiPhone: i68, i69+, other Scool: TZ209HIFI, other SED: 838+, 950, AK606, AK606i, B908, B908-PDA, D968, DJ120, N08, S1000, SA833, V628, V630, V638, V639, V889, X520, X688, X688-2sim, X689, X689+, X698, X716, X827, X941, Y690, other SerteC: X3, other Seven: DR1, DS2, DS3, DS4, other SFR: 111, 195, 227, 228, 231, 341 ShengBao: A1000, other Shen-Matel: V7+, other Siba: 2632, other Siemens: AP75, CFX65, CL75, SFG75, ST55, ST60 Sigmatel: 6110, 988+, E588, FXD, FXD-S30, FXD-T99i, S1, S2, S3, S3+, S33, S4, S5, S88, S90, S92, T33, T33i, T66, T96, T99, T99i, V88, W333, W999, other Simbao: A800, A888, A890, A898, other Simoco: SM1000, SM322, SM366, SM377, SM466, SM488, SM498, SM499, SM611, SM633, SM988, SM999, other Simtel: MStar, other Simtelep: G-Star, Mstar, other Sitronics: SM8190, SM8290 Sky: SK1 SkyMIX: 100, 300, other Skyway: GC800, other Skyworth: T508, other Skyzen: EZ100, EZ200, EZ300, EZ400, EZ500, EZ600, EZ700, EZ800, N101, S3, S8 Slym: N718, N728, TV, other Smarj: S70, other Smart: G831, G850, V555, V555-TwinCamera, V570, V800, V810, V840, other Song: A168, W668, other SongLive: C2000, other Sony-Ericsson: J100(i), J110i, J120i, J121i, J132, K200a, K200i, K205i, K220i, K330, R300, R306, T250i, T280i, T303, Z250a, Z250i, Z320i Soon-Ersson: K520i, K530i, K610i, K620i, other SouthEast: 818, other Spice: D80, D88, D88N, D90, S300, S400, S404, S404N, S410, S415, S450, S5, S500, S525, S530, S535, S540, S545, S555, S570, S580, S590, S600, S600N, S640, S650, S7, S700, S705, S707, S707n, S710, S8, S800, S808, S900, S920, S940, other Sprint: 7700, 7710, P50, S60, other Spyker: C8-Laviolette Startech: ST21i, ST22, ST67, other StarWorks: M448, other Suaahoo: S709, other Sucee-Tong: 908, 918, 928, 928i, 998, other Sun: N86, N87, N87i, N98, N99, other Sunforce: K600, K600i, K800, K800i, other Sunrise: T868, other Suntec: E592, other Suny-ericssom: Cyber-shot-P999, K770, K900, other SuperFone: SF-9080, other SVA: F08, other Swaahoo: S709, S93, S95, S96, S97, other Swatch: M300, Nova-N800, other Swatch-Mobile: M300, other TAG: Heuer-RM267v, other Taixing: D008, other Taxco: DM87, TX60, other TCL: 3188+, 3188M, 3188U, 718, 728, 738, A288, D569, D659, E330, GQ05, M361, M388, M530, M580, M586, M819, Q510, Q515, Q550, T106, T108, T550, T558, T766, T939, U58, U80, V18, V6, other Techno: X780i, other Tecno: D100, M280, ST600, ST880, T600, T800, T880, V410, V500, V801, V90i, X200, X200i, X210, other Telit: T200, T250 Telsda: 319, 319+, 349, A318D, B1000, E65, KQ108, T090, T915, TS617, TS627, TS637, other Tethin: S350, other Tevion: MD96110 Thomson: TH102, TN320, TN710 Thrus: D98, other TIA: TD20 Tianyu: A699, M99, S655, other Tiger: 7710, 7712+, 7718, KF928, other Tintele: TT-N1-Black, TT-N1-Gold, TT-V2, TT-V33, other Titan: V70, other T-Mobile: Vairy-Touch TOCS: C64 Top: S21, S23+, other Tosello: Spatola, other Toshiba: TS10, TS30, TS608 Toshibo: Q300, V8, V9+, other Touch: 568, other TouchPhone: i9, other Trend: T100, T101, T181, T200, T300, T500, T505, T555, T786, other Trus: D98, other TSD: T619, TD630, TS806, other TwinSim: T60 UCOO: U38, other Ufo: 833, 995, Digital-Mobile, other Ultra-Slim: M9, other UP-Tec: TV-Mobile, other Usha-Lexus: 777B, 789B, 800B, 828B, 838B, other UTstarcom: G520, GPRS1328, GPRS568, GPRS748, GPRS758, GPRS778, GPRS779, GSM708, GSM718, GSM719, other Vaio: A968, other Vairy: Touch VCall: V929, other Venus: V300, V308, other Veon: T10, other Veptu: 8088, N888, N888c, N888i, other Verykool: i250, i300, i405, i410, i500, i700 Vigoo: K918, other Virgin: Fly-SX200, Lobster-485, Lobster-544, Lobster-575, MicroSnapper, V-Slide, V-Touch VirtuV: V989, other Vitel: TSM1, TSM2, TSM3, TSM4, TSM5m, TSM6 VK-Mobile: VG207, VK1500, VK180, VK200, VK200_unlock, VK2000, VK2010, VK2020, VK2030, VK207i, VK3100, VK4000, VK4500, VK500, VK518, VK520, VK530, VK540, VK550, VK560, VK570, VK580, VK700, VK800, VK900 Vodafone: 123, 125, 225, 225FM, 226, 226FM, 227, 228, 331 Voxtel: 1iD, 2iD, 3iD, BD50, BD60, RX11, RX600, RX800, V350, V50, V500, VS600, VS800 WatchPhone: A007, Apoda, M500, M801, M810, V2, W08, Z5000, Z5100, Z5200, other Wellcom: W819, other Wentto: DG699, other Widetel: WT-T600, other XDF: N58, other XDS: V890, W890, other XED: X689, other XinBao: 2632, 2638, other Xingtai: 338, other XKSSTEL: S4, other XTelecom: X3128, X3128+, X3128B, X9118, X9128, X918, X9199, other XTTel: C3000+, other Xunchi: 138, other YaXing: E50, V800, V808, other Yes-Optus: D736 Yingtai: TV2000, TV7000, other Zetel: N82y, N95y, N96y, other Zetta: A10 ZMEM: 1075 Zoho: V88+, other Zonda: 1075, 1075R, 1085, 1090, 1095, 1095R, G1840, G1860, G1880, MZ9, N2000 Zong: A136 ZT: 2688, 303, 3188, 321, 326, 5188, 579, 588, 6618, 6668, 710, 8118, 9198, 999, C92+, K699, N6168, other ZTC: 168, 169, 2009, 268, 369, 532, 555, 588, 618, 6588, 660, 6618, 6628, 663, 666, 6688, 777, 777i, 778, 818, 8188, 866, 868, A168, A231, A281, A287, A5, A688, A818, A838, A898, A990, C118, C300, C600, D1100, D1110, D1112, D1117, D1120, D1200, D828, DC818, DC888, DY579, DY579+, E550, E86, F1, F16B, F480, F688, F882, F897, H18, H5, H668, H688, H998, IP9300, JC599, K118+, K119, K127, K600, K650, K650i, K700, K910, LV918, M608, M618, M98, M99, N100, N101, N107, N328, N328-blueteech, N329, N38, N39, N880, N880+, N95, P8500, Q530, Q531, S508, S508+, S600+, S888, SL88, T118, T518, T58, T63, T63i, T64, T699, T85, T85e, T88, T88i, TV88, V66, X668, X668+, ZT003, ZT009, ZT018, ZT019, ZT11, ZT123, ZT1588, ZT1598, ZT160, ZT168, ZT1689, ZT169, ZT199, ZT2008, ZT2087, ZT2088, ZT2180, ZT268, ZT2688, ZT303, ZT3188, ZT321, ZT321-6226, ZT321-6228, ZT321-TVmobile, ZT325, ZT326, ZT33, ZT3328, ZT508, ZT511, ZT5168, ZT5188, ZT528, ZT5680, ZT5688, ZT580, ZT582, ZT588, ZT588+, ZT608, ZT6099, ZT6588, ZT6618, ZT6618-PDA, ZT6628, ZT666, ZT6668, ZT668, ZT6688, ZT6698, ZT6699, ZT678, ZT68, ZT699, ZT710, ZT8008, ZT8088, ZT8089, ZT8099, ZT8118, ZT8188, ZT8380, ZT86, ZT868, ZT8828, ZT8828+, ZT8886, ZT8898, ZT8899, ZT89, ZT890, ZT8900, ZT898, ZT918, ZT9198, ZT928, ZT9288, ZT968, ZT988, ZT989, ZT999, ZT999e, ZTM608, ZTN329, ZT-N6128, ZTS508, other ZTE: 123, 125, 195, 201, 2010, 202, 203, 204, 225, 225FM, 226, 227, 228, 231, 7310, 7610, A12, A12+, A136, A136G, A139, A15, A16, A205, A211, A215, A261, A35, A35FM, A36, A36FM, A37, A39, A61, A62, A62+, A66, A68, A80, A931, C335, C632, Coral-200, F120, H500, i766, WP626, X760, X761 Supported CDMA models Huawei: C2205, C2285 Nokia: 1255 Motorola: C141c, W150, W150i, W170, W170C, W200, W210, W355 ZTE: Classic 201, 202, 203, 204 "Chinese Miracle" module (free addon) for "Made in China" brands/models: G-Star Cect MP3 MP4 MPEG4 Chinese Nokea+ Chinese Somsung+ Chinese Soni-Ericsson+ Chinese Motarola+ Narnia Smarj Zetta I-Mobile etc. Product features:
"Chinese Miracle" module for MT6205-MT6230 CPU based models:
Key features: (check available options for each model below) . Fast SP-Unlock . Fast (high-speed) flashing . Write any part of flash separately (Main, Flex, Map, FFS, LanguagePack) . Imei repair . Remove/clear UserLock (PhoneCode) . Reset to default/factory settings . Repair dead phones . Big flash files database for all World regions. List of flash files available for free download in support area. Sony-Ericsson T250, T280, Z250, Z320 . direct sp-unlock . flash read/write (high speed) Sony-Ericsson K200i, K205, K220i . flash read/write (high speed) . "smart write" option, together with high-speed option, flashing speed can be extremely high . reset defaults/format ffs (repair software bugs) . user code . sp-unlock (direct, unlimited, fast) . repair dead phones (after cloned eeprom) . repair "camera not save" Sagem: my150x, my220v, my220x .direct sp-unlock Sony-Ericsson J110i, J120i . flash read/write (high speed) . flashing any part (main/language pack/flex) together or separately . "smart write" option, together with high-speed option, flashing speed can be extremely high . phone type check to avoid wrong flashing . reset defaults/format ffs (repair software bugs) . user code . sp-unlock . repair "unauthorized phone" . repair dead phones . direct sp-unlock . flashing any part (main/language pack/fex) together or separately . high speed support . clear phone code . flash reading . "smart write" option, together with high-speed option, flashing speed can be extremely high . repair erased boot-core without desolder flash chip . imei repair . repair "phone hacked" Motorola c168, c168i, w220 . flash read/write (high speed) . flashing any part (main/language pack/flex) together or separately . "smart write" option, together with high-speed option, flashing speed can be extremely high . phone type check to avoid wrong flashing . reset defaults/format ffs (repair software bugs) . user code . sp-unlock (all firmware versions) . repair "unauthorized phone" . imei repair (any digit) Panasonic X100, A200, X500, G60 . flashing software auto-detect phone version and offer to skip flash part that is the same . "Safe Mode" option to prevent phone death with empty battery . flash different region phones (f.e.: Asian to Euro, Euro to Asian) . decustomization (operator logos, wap settings etc.) . fast and real Imei repair, old Imei not come back after future flashing . flash reading . repair G60, X500 erased boot-core w/o flash chip desoldering Panasonic GD55, G50, G51E, G51M, G51U, G70, A100, A101, A102, X300, A210, SC3 . flashing software auto-detect LangPack structure and check existing/new LangPack compatibility (not supported for GD55 due to GD55 has no separate LangPack flash part) . reset phone user settings to default factory values (RF,BAT etc. calibration values not resetted) . flash different region phones (f.e.: Asian to Euro, Euro to Asian) . decustomization (operator logos, wap settings etc.) . dast and real Imei repair, old Imei not come back after future flashing (A210, SC3 not supported yet) . flash reading . sp-unlock . lock to specified Network (SC3 not supported yet) . A100,A101,A102,X300 "No network" problem repair after bad unlock/flashing with other software . "Backup" option for critical operations . non-stop flashing mode . repair after empty-battery flashing . fast speed flashing . repair eeprom Panasonic X60, X66, X68, X77, X200, X400, A500: . flash phones that can not Power-On after bad/terminated flashing . reset phone user settings to default factory values (RF,BAT etc. calibration values not resetted) . flash different region phones (f.e.: Asian to Euro, Euro to Asian) . decustomization (operator logos, wap settings etc.) . repair "Restarting" problem, as well as other software problems . flash reading . hidden Language activation . repair after empty-battery flashing Panasonic VS2, VS3, SA6, MX6, VS6, VS7, SA7, MX7: . sp-unlock . flashing . fecustomization . flash phones that can not Power-On after bad/terminated flashing . flash different region phones (f.e.: Asian to Euro, Euro to Asian) . flash reading . high speed supported . reset defaults during flashing . hidden Language activation Panasonic X700, X701 . sp-unlock. Imei repair . clear user code Panasonic X70 . unlock all software versions . clear phone memory . set user settings to factory defaults . clear Lock code/User code Bird S198, S199, S1186 . fast sp-unlock (several seconds only) . clear user code/phone lock/super password . repair Imei LG KG110, KG120, KG220, KG225, KG240, KG280, KG320, L342i, L343i, B2050, B2060, B2100, C2200, MG101, MG120, MG225, MG230, MG280, MG320, KP200, KP202, C1100 . direct sp-unlock . eeprom read/write (high speed) . flash read/write (high speed) . reset default settings LG KE600, KE770, KE800, KE820, KE850, KE970, KG270, KG271, KG275, KG276, KG278, KG275, KG288, KG289, KG370, KG375, KP106, MG160. MG161, MG165, MG180, MG370 . read unlock codes . direct sp-unlock . eeprom read/write (high speed) . flash read/write (high speed) . reset default settings . reset user/security code . imei repair LG-KF600 . direct sp-unlock LG G1800, C2500, C2600, KG190, KG200, KG300 . direct sp-unlock . user code reset . flash read/write (high speed) . repair imei Motorola C113, C113a, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C121, C136, C138, C139, C140, C155, C156, C157, V170, V171, V172, V173, C257, C261, V175, V176, V177, W370, W375 . read sp-unlock codes . direct sp-unlock . repair Imei for w370/w375 . flashing any part (Main/Language Pack/Flex) together or separately . high flashing speed supported . upgrade/downgrade firmware . "Safe Mode" option to prevent death with empty battery (not supported for C113-C118) . phone type check to avoid wrong flashing . current/new firmware version check during flashing to save time . clear phone/user code . flash reading . "Smart write" option. Together with high-speed option flashing speed can be extremely high . Repair dead C113, C113a, C114, C115, C116, C117, C118, C121, C115i, C136, C138, C139, C140, C155, C156, V170, V171, V172, V173 erased boot-core without desolder flash chip . unlock newest C113-C118, C121, C122, C123,C136, C138, C139, C140 via test-point. C113, C113a, C114, C115, C115i, C116, C117, C118, C136, C138, C139, C140 Imei repair . unlock newest C113-C118 w/o flashing Motorola F3 . sp-unlock . flash firmware/language pack/flex . high speed supported . format ffs . reset defaults . clear call history Motorola w205, w208, w209, w215, w218 . sp-unlock . clear phone/user code . read phone information . flash write (firmware/LP/Flex together or separately) . high speed supported Motorola V690, V872, V878 . flash write/read (high speed) . flashing any part (main/language pack/flex) together or separately . "Smart write" option. Together with high-speed option flashing speed can be extremely high . upgrade/downgrade firmwar . phone type check to avoid wrong flashing . user/lock code reading Fly/VK VK2000 . flash write/read (high speed) . user/lock code . imei repair . reset defaults . empty board flashing VK-Mobile VK200 . sp-unlock . imei repair . user/lock code reset . reset defaults VK-Mobile VK2010, VK2020, VK3100, VK4000, VK4500 . imei repair . user/lock code reset . reset defaults Fly/Bird S288, S688, S788, S299, D736, Amstrad S288 . flash write/read (high speed) . sp-unlock . reset user code . reset phone settings to default factory values (RF,BAT etc. calibration values not resetted) . repair software bugs (freez/restart etc.) . repair after empty-battery flashing Fly/Bird S1180C, Bird V09, Bird V10 . flash write/read . reset phone settings to default factory values (RF,BAT etc. calibration values not resetted) . repair software problems (freez/restart etc.) . user/lock code reset Siemens ST55, ST60 . sp-unlock . lock to specified Network . fast and real Imei repair . reset user settings to default (during flashing) . flash write/read (high speed) . repair after empty-battery flashing Siemens CL75 . fast sp-unlock . reset user settings to default . flash write/read (high speed) . repair after empty-battery flashing . repair eeprom Siemens CFX65 . fast sp-unlock. reset phone settings to default factory values (RF,BAT etc. calibration values not resetted) . flash write/read (high speed) . decustomization . phone/user code reset . repair after empty-battery flashing . "Smart write" option. Together with high-speed option flashing speed can be extremely high Nec E101, N342i, N343i, N344i, N650i . fast sp-unlock. lock to Network (N343i, N344i not supported) . fast and real Imei repair (N343i, N344i not supported) . reset user settings to default . flash write/read (high speed) . non-stop flashing mode . repair after empty-battery flashing. repair eeprom Nec E122 . flash write/read (high speed) . reset user settings to default (repair freez/startup problems) Philips-568 . fast direct sp-unlock . unlock code calculation by Imei . lock to Network . reset user settings to default (during flashing) . flash write/read (high speed) . non-stop flashing mode . repair after empty-battery flashing Philips-S200, S220, S660, S800, S880, S890, 290, 390 . direct sp-unlock . read unlock codes . read/clear user code . reset user settings to default . flash write/read (high speed) . repair after empty-battery flashing VK-Mobile VG207, VK207i, VK300, VK310, VK320, VK330, VK500, VK518, VK520, VK530, VK540, VK550, VK560, VK570, VK580, VK800, VK900 . fast sp-unlock . imei repair . reset to defaults . flashing (VG207, VK300, VK310, VK320, VK330 not supported) . fast flashing speed support . upgrade/downgrade firmware . "Smart write" option. Together with high-speed option flashing speed can be extremely high . flash reading (VG207 not supported) . American models supported too VK-Mobile: VK700 . repair freez/restart bugs BenQ-Siemens: O2X4, S80, S82, SFG75 . read unlock codes Sanyo: S750 . direct sp-unlock (some versions is not supported yet) Alcatel: E101, E201, E207, E221, E227, V270 . direct unlock . flash write/read (high speed) . user code clear . imei repair Alcatel E15x/16x/25x . read unlock codes Alcatel: OT152, Audiovox GSM609, BenQ O2X3, BenQ S700, BenQ A500 . fast sp-unlock . user/lock code reading . flash write/read (high speed) Alcatel: OT-C700A, OT-C701A, OT-C701X, OT-C707, OT-C717, OT-C820A, OT-C825, OT-C825A, OT-S520, OT-V770X, ELLE-N3, LAVA, Mandarina-Duck . sp-unlock . user/lock code reading . flash write/read (high speed) . reset user settings to default values . flash empty-board (completely erased) chip . repair imei O2X1i, O2XLI, O2X1b, O2X2i, BenQ-Siemens M300, M305, M315, M350, E61, C71A, CF61, EF61, CL71, M100, A38, Bird S570, Siemens AP75 . fast sp-unlock . flash separately Firmware/LangPack/Flex (high speed) . eeprom backup/repair . flash reading . user/lock code clear BenQ-Siemens: S88 . user/lock code clear Hyundai: H350 . flash write/read (high speed) . repair freez/restart problems . reset user settings to default values . reset user/lock to default value . repair imei Toshiba: TS10 . sp-unlock . flash write/read (high speed) . reset user/lock settings to default values Fly: Z200, Z300, Z300a, Z400, Z500, X3, X7 . sp-unlock . flash write/read (high speed) . reset user settings to defaults . repair software faults/freez etc. . reset user/lock code to defaults . repair imei Newgen: Mars, C610, C620, C710, C800, C1000, E1000, E1100, E1200, T1000, S410, Airness: AIR99, Geo-G1, Geo-Gv880 . sp-unlock . flash write/read (high speed) . reset user settings to defaults . repair software faults/freez etc. . reset user/lock code to defaults . repair imei Nec: N200, N208, N910, N916, N917, N919 . sp-unlock . flash write/read (high speed) . reset user settings to defaults . repair software faults/freez etc. . reset user/lock code to defaults . repair imei KN-Mobile: KN200, KN300, KN310, KN400, KN500 . sp-unlock . flash write/read (high speed) . reset user/lock settings to defaults . repair software faults/freez etc. . reset user code to defaults . repair imei Hyundai: MP510, MP718, MP728, MP738 . flash write/read (high speed) . repair software faults/freez etc. TCL: 3188, 3188+, 3188U, Q510, Q515, 718, 728, 738, T550, T939, GQ05, Nerys-N330 . sp-unlock . flash write/read (high speed) Konka: C625 . sp-unlock . repair imei . user/lock code clear . flash write/read (high speed) TOCS: C64 . sp-unlock . repair imei . user/lock code clear . flash write/read (high speed) Thomson: TN320 . sp-unlock . user/lock code clear . flash write/read (high speed) Konka: C926, C966, EC001, A26M, M910, D163 . sp-unlock . user/lock code clear . flash write/read (high speed) Asus: V75, V80 . sp-unlock . user/lock code clear . flash write/read (high speed) I-Mobile: 301, 306, 308, 508, 510, 511, 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 606, 608, 610, 901, 902 . sp-unlock . user/lock code clear . flash write/read (high speed) DBTel J6, Emblaze Sting6, Medion MD95100/2860, Thomson TN710 . sp-unlock . repair blocked counter . rset defaults . flash write/read (high speed) Vitel: O2X7 . sp-unlock . flash write/read (high speed) Virgin Lobster485, Lobster544, Lobster575, Audiovox GPRS748, My Way MW100, Voxtel-RX11, Voxtel-V500, UTStarcom GSM708, GSM718, GSM719, GPRS758, GPRS779 . sp-unlock . user/lock code reset . flash write/read (high speed) Virgin Micro Snapper . sp-unlock . flash write/read (high speed) Zonda: G1840, G1860, G1880 . sp-unlock . flashing (full or any part of flash separately) (high speed) . reset user settings to defaults . repair software faults/freez etc. . reset user/lock code to defaults . flash reading . repair imei (function under test) Fly: V40, M100, SL200, MP220 . sp-unlock . user/lock code reading . flash write/read (high speed) Lenovo: E300, E307, P708, P710 . sp-unlock . user/lock code reading . flash write/read (high speed) Dirland: E307 . sp-unlock . user/lock code reading . flash write/read (high speed) AK-Mobile: AK760i . sp-unlock . user/lock code reading . flash write/read (high speed) Fly: 2040, 2040i, 2080, MX200, MX200i, MX230, MX300, MX330, SL300m, SL400m, SL500m, SL500i, SL600, Sl600-Vodafone, SX240, SX300, MP300, MP400, MP500, MP600, Lenovo V707 . sp-unlock . user/lock code clear . reset defaults . repair imei . flash write/read (high speed) Spice: S400, S404, S410, S415, S450, S500, S530, S540, S555, S600, S600N, S640, S5, S8, S800, S900, D88 . sp-unlock . user/lock code clear . flash write/read (high speed) . imei repair Skyzen: EZ300, EZ400, EZ500, EZ600, EZ800 . sp-unlock . user/lock code clear . flash write/read (high speed) . imei repair Pantech: C120, C3, C3B, G3900, G800, G900, GB300, PG-1000, PG-1200, PG-1210, PG-1400, PG-1405, PG-1410, PG-1500, PG-3000, PG-3200, PG-3210, PG-3500, PG-3600, PG-3810, PG-6100, PG-C300 . sp-unlock . lock to network . flash read (high speed) . flash write (high speed) (not supported for several models) Pantech: PG-1000 . sp-unlock . flash/eeprom write/read (high speed) Aiko: 17G, 51G, 52G . sp-unlock . user/lock code reset . flash write/read (high speed) . high speed supported Gradiente: GF500, GF760, GF910(i), GF930(i),GF950, GF970, Vibe . sp-unlock . user/lock code reset . flash write/read (high speed) Voxtel: VS600, VS800, RX600, RX800. sp-unlock . user/lock code reset . flash write/read (high speed) Airtel Cordless FGD8900 . sp-unlock. flash write/read (high speed) . user/lock code clear Sitronics: SM8190, SM8290, Enteos i-BD620 . flash write/read (high speed) . reset factory defaults Ezio/Elson: MP500, E800, SL308, SL388, ESL808, SL900 . sp-unlock . user/lock code reset . flash write/read (high speed) O2-Jet(J1) . sp-unlock . user/lock code clear . write/read flash . high speed (up to 921600) supported Orange: TR1 . sp-unlock . user/lock code clear . write/read flash . high speed (up to 921600) supported Tecno: D100, V410, V500, X200, X200i, X210, M280, T800, V801, V600 . user/lock code clear . imei repair . write/read flash . high speed (up to 921600) supported Samsung: C140, C140i, C260, C260M, C266, X120, X140, E900, C300 . sp-unlock Bleu: 551x, 651x, 651Z . user/lock code clear . imei repair . write/read flash . high speed (up to 921600) supported ZTE: Classic 2010, A12, A12+, A15, A16, A37, A39, A80, WP626 . sp-unlock . write/read flash . reset settings . imei repair . high speed (up to 921600) supported Coral: 300 . sp-unlock . write/read flash . reset settings . imei repair . high speed (up to 921600) supported Motorola CDMA: W150, W150i, W170, W170C, W200, W210, W355, C141c . user/lock code read . flash read . flash write . esn repair Huawei: C2205, C2285, C506 . user/lock code read ZTE: C335, C632 . user/lock code read Nokia: 1255 . user/lock code read ZTE: Classic 201, 202, 203, 204 CDMA . read user code . detect SPC code ZTE: 125, 225, A35, A36, A61, A62 . flash read/write . direct sp-unlock . user/lock code reset . reset to default values Coral: 200 . flash read/write . direct sp-unlock . user/lock code reset . reset to default values Haier: Z1000 . flash read/write . sp-unlock ZTE: 7310, 7610 . flash read/write . sp-unlock Bleu: 251s, 251x . fast sp-unlock (several seconds only) . clear user code/phone lock/super password . repair Imei Hyundai: L480 . fast sp-unlock (several seconds only) . clear user code/phone lock/super password . repair Imei Package Contents: 1. Schlumberger CyberFlex smart-card dongle 2. Uni Box (high-speed) with cables for base supported models 3. Support area access 4. Dongle upgrade server access 5. Support forum Infinity Box Infrastructure: Infinity Box is supported by very expirenced programers working in this field for more than 5 years, furthermore with a very strong financial backing we have heavily invested to make the best use of current technology Infinity Box Security: To insure your investment is secure we have used the best technology to protected our software. The Schlumberger CyberFlex smart-card protection with online dongle firmware upgrade. With current fashion to hack, crack and clone software we have ensued our users get the best protection. |
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Friday, December 24, 2010
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